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Summer League 
Everyone is a free agent unless your HS Coach formed a team and you are on that roster. Please check with your coach before registering.

Summer League - VARSITY

  • 4 week competition schedule

  • Wednesday evenings 6-9pm

  • 7/10/2024 - 7/31/2024

  • $50 per player for all 4 weeks to be paid online

  • $15 per player per session to be paid at the door if not attending all 4 weeks

  • $1 spectator entry fee for everyone over 10



Summer League - JUNIOR VARSITY

  • 4 week competition schedule

  • Thursday evenings 6-9pm

  • 7/11/2024 - 8/1/2024

  • $50 per player for all 4 sessions to be paid online

  • $15 per player per session to be paid at the door if not attending all 4 sessions

  • $1 spectator entry fee for everyone over 10



Summer League - FREE AGENT

  • Free Agent (Varsity/JV Divisions)

  • A max of 8 players per free agent team with the option to form your own team or players will be placed on teams where needed.

  • Dates, times and prices are listed on the left

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